Low lie the fields of Athenry, where first I saw the small free birds fly......🎶
The Fields of Athenry
Who out there doesn't know the words and especially the chorus to this most famous song? It's sung at football matches, rugby matches and many more sporting events that it has become world famous.....it's sung by every nationality and by those who have never been to Athenry or even know where it is. Well Athenry is practically on my doorstep or as we say just a "few miles as the crow flies" from where I live.
On Monday we went to Athenry to pick up a bale of straw for the chickens at the Co-op and spent a little while remembering...... Reminiscing.... Well I did, I was the one with the memories!
Athenry has always been a special place to me since my Grandmother's family on my mothers side came from Attymon which is very close to Athenry. As a young girl I have happy memories of spending long summer days on the 15th August every year meeting country cousins at "The Holy
Well" and afterwards going to the funfair in the town and spending the two shillings or half crown
they would give us on the swing boats and chair-o-planes. My two sisters, our two friends
Pat and Deirdre Cloherty and myself would get the train from Galway to Athenry in the morning and
return home in the evening around 8pm. Athenry was the second stop after the train left Galway for
Dublin so it only took about half an hour to get there.....but maybe it was a bit longer....back then it was the old steam train, puffing and chugging along the line and making its first stop at Oranmore station. When you got to Athenry you got off the train on the left hand side and had to go across the overhead footbridge as the town was on the right hand side. You could smell the fresh air of the countryside as soon as you got off the train because back in the 50's Athenry was indeed a small town with just over 1,000 inhabitants. It's streets were narrow and full of character....and still are. It's medieval architecture is wonderful with its castle, round tower, abbey ruins and its famous Arch right in the middle of the town has to be seen to be appreciated.....much of the town of Athenry has not changed except that it's shops now can cater for all your needs....if you lived there today you really wouldn't have to go into the city, it's self sufficient in every aspect of living.

One of Athenry's medivial round towers
After us girls walked from the station to the town we headed first for Pat & Deirdre's Grand-Aunts house, their mothers Aunt, Mrs. o'Grady. This was the condition we were allowed go to Athenry....we check in there first. We were always warmly welcomed, fed with cups of tea and ham sandwiches. "Auntie" would glean all the news from Pat & Deirdre, give us instructions on being "careful" in town during the day and send us on our way to "The Holy Well" The house was at the end of the street and right next to the entrance to one of the big Estates. We often took little walks into the grounds, though never venturing very far. As far as I remember I think "Auntie's" house belonged to the Estate and quite possibly some of the family worked either in the house or on the grounds.
"Auntie's" house today..... Derelict and for sale
The gates to the entrance to the Estate today....boarded up.
Time has changed everything...... And everything has changed....... The Gentry has fallen and the old folk are gone. But Athenry has prospered in many ways, parts of the town have expanded and grown. There are lots of beautiful homes and every type of business seems to be running well there.
Today we found a beautiful Cafè down one of the little side streets...... We went and had lunch.....
The Barracks Cafè |
It looked so inviting from the outside and was a delight once you entered
This definitely requires another visit...... Soon....
Outdoor dining
The beautiful cream of vegetable soup and homemade Guinness Brown Bread was gone before I could photograph it 😋 but I did manage to capture the dessert which was a delicious pavlova and a
fruit scone with jam and cream, a pot of tea and a cappuccino....
Bright and cosy
So after a very lovely lunch and little spin around the town we headed out of Athenry with the promise that we would return to sample more of what this
beautiful little town has to offer ....we spied
"At least"
two more cafe 's that definitely need checking out!
This one on the corner requires a visit.
So Athenry with your beautiful medieval ruins and modern amenities you lived up to all my childhood memories......and I even picked up a few bargains in the Charity Shop.....
.. My bargain of the day..
So until next time "May your day be fruitful and blessed" with happy memories
MaryKate xxxx