Wednesday 20 May 2015

Never mind the Weather.

Make the best of it...

We had two glorious weeks in April....summer loomed bright and sunny.... ..then May came in wet and windy you could be disappointed but one way or another it's something we have no control over so you just have to make the best of it.....finding something to make you happy and smile, it's all around your eyes wide.

                                     Nothing like a basket of bright colours to brighten your day

                                                             And A little big of hooky
Even when the sun isn't shining you can always bring your hooky to the beach 

Mountains sand sea and sky

And a place in the sun with your hooky love


So whatever the weather there is beauty all around we just have to keep our eyes open wide......and remember the sun will shine again....... In the meantime find the beauty in alls that's around you and keep crocheting.....its hooky love.

Bye for now.....hugs xxxxxxx
heather MaryKate 


Wednesday 25 March 2015

Bits and Pieces:

It's been a little while since I last wrote on the blog..... Time goes by and where does it go to when it's gone......who knows.......some say time flies, others say time stands still but there is a wise saying that goes  "time and tide wait for no man"..... Now that's true!  Then there is Buzz Light Year's saying "Infinity and beyond" well isn't that something to look forward to....oh yes!

So while I wasn't writing what was I doing...... Well a little bit of this and a little bit of that...
Mostly to do with yarn I might add but also some other things.   My mind doesn't rest when it comes to crafting, I was trying to decide what do I love to do the most but to be honest whatever it is I am doing I love it, yarn, beads, paints, paper, material, oh so so much "stuff".
                     There was a lot of crochet done this winter.   It's theraphy for the soul.
Loved the colours and trying out some new ideas.

This was a blast from the past .... Croched this dress about 1972 .. It was a mini and my sister wore it on many a night out.  It was so special to see it after all those years and it's as good as new. 
I must have had a lot of patience back then despite having 3 young children at the time. Guess it was my way of relaxing....somethings never change!

                          Close up and after all those years I spot a mistake oh well I'm not going to   
                                             rip it back now....

                                                       Some nice bright colours

A little diversity.....


With the day's getting longer it was time for some  jewellery making and what better way to do it but with gorgeous beads......spent a lovely afternoon in Bramblewood Beads workshop and shop in Ennis with my beautiful granddaughter Kelsie....she knows what makes her nana happy.

A little altered notebook for a beautiful niece.

No I didn't make this but my wonderful daughter G and daughter-in-law Fiona surprised us for our 50th wedding anniversary!!
They did a fantastic job.

Beautiful bouquet....Lily's and Roses


So Winter is finally but slowly crawling back into its shell .... Time moves on and all the signs of Spring are everywhere... Here's to Infinity and beyond .... Buzz Light Year ..... Your a tonic!

Love and hugs xxxxxx Heather (MaryKate) 

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Winter weather.....on the plus side.

I can't believe the last time I was on here was the end of September... It was Autumn and the days still had a stretch in them.   Well it's now Winter and the days are short and dark.  Tonight we are having a storm on this side of the country...a big one too by the sound of it, the Met office have issued a "red alert" warning for all along the west coast.  But what can be nicer than to be all snuggled up in an armchair beside the fire listening to the wind howling outside..... And a nice cuppa and your favourite biscuit...well 2 Ginger Nuts to "dunk" in your tea....

It was the kind of day you didn't know what to do, though there was plenty I could be doing, like, washing and ironing to name a few things but I did put one load of washing in the machine, come to think of it it's still there, not good housekeeping!!
 However I opted for a bit of crafting instead.   I have lots of new ideas I am trying out.  It was too cold and wild to go to my "Studio" and also  because there are some repairs that need to be done so I took over the kitchen table instead....suffice to say with all the boxes and bits and bobs it was well covered, papers, glue, glitter everywhere.  Then of course it was time for dinner, there was a recipe for chicken thighs I wanted to try but it had to be quick and was!

Stuffed chicken thighs with skinny fries and baby leaf salad with coleslaw and Caesar dressing.
Was it good?? 

I think so.......

It has to be the cheapest dinner ever...... Cost about €1 per person....

1 bag Skinny French Fies 99cent (serves 4)
6 Large Chicken Thighs €2.39  
lettuce and coleslaw were on special offer

Would you like the recipe for the method to stuff the thighs?? ...... 
Ok ... I'll post it tomorrow.......
See you then, 
Heather xx

Tuesday 30 September 2014

The Fields of Athenry.....

🎶 Low lie the fields of Athenry, where first I saw the small free birds fly......🎶

                                                                The Fields of Athenry

 Who out there doesn't know the words and especially the chorus to this most famous song?  It's sung at football matches, rugby matches and many more sporting events that it has become world's sung by every nationality and by those who have never been to Athenry or even know where it is.   Well Athenry is practically on my doorstep or as we say just a "few miles as the crow flies" from where I live.

On Monday we went to Athenry to pick up a bale of straw for the chickens at the Co-op and spent a little while remembering...... Reminiscing.... Well I did, I was the one with the memories!

 Athenry has always been a special place to me since my Grandmother's  family on my mothers side came from Attymon which is very close to Athenry.  As a young girl I have happy memories of spending long summer days on the 15th August every year meeting country cousins at "The Holy
Well" and afterwards going to the funfair in the town and spending the two shillings or half crown
they would give us on the swing boats and chair-o-planes.  My two sisters, our two friends
Pat and Deirdre Cloherty and myself would get the train from Galway to Athenry in the morning and
  return home in the evening around 8pm.  Athenry was the second stop after the train left Galway for
Dublin so it only took about half an hour to get there.....but maybe it was a bit longer....back then it was the old steam train, puffing and chugging along the line and making its first stop at Oranmore station.   When you got to Athenry you got off the train on the left hand side and had to go across the overhead footbridge as the town was on the right hand side.  You could smell the fresh air of the countryside as soon as you got off the train because back in the 50's Athenry was indeed a small town with just over 1,000 inhabitants.  It's streets were narrow and full of character....and still are.   It's medieval architecture is wonderful with its castle, round tower, abbey ruins and its famous Arch right in the middle of the town has to be seen to be appreciated.....much of the town of Athenry has not changed except that it's shops now can cater for all your needs....if you lived there today you really wouldn't have to go into the city, it's self sufficient in every aspect of living.

                                                  One of Athenry's medivial round towers

After us girls walked from the station to the town we headed first for Pat & Deirdre's Grand-Aunts house, their mothers Aunt, Mrs. o'Grady.  This was the condition we were allowed go to Athenry....we check in there first.  We were always warmly welcomed, fed with cups of tea and ham sandwiches. "Auntie" would glean all the news from Pat & Deirdre, give us instructions on being "careful" in town during the day and send us on our way to "The Holy Well"   The house was at the end of the street and right next to the entrance to one of the big Estates.   We often took little walks into the grounds, though never venturing very far.  As far as I remember I think "Auntie's" house belonged to the Estate and quite possibly some of the family worked either in the house or on the grounds.

                                          "Auntie's" house today..... Derelict and for sale

                                           The gates to the entrance to the  Estate today....boarded up.

Time has changed everything...... And everything has changed....... The Gentry has fallen and the old folk are gone.   But Athenry has prospered in many ways, parts of the town have expanded and grown.  There are lots of beautiful homes and every type of business seems to be running well there.

Today we found a beautiful Cafè down one of the little side streets...... We went and had lunch.....

 The Barracks Cafè

It looked so inviting from the outside and was a delight once you entered

This definitely requires another visit...... Soon....

Outdoor dining

The beautiful cream of vegetable soup and homemade Guinness Brown Bread was gone before I could photograph it 😋 but I did manage to capture the dessert which was a delicious pavlova and a 
fruit scone with jam and cream, a pot of tea and a cappuccino.... 


Bright and cosy

So after a very lovely lunch and little spin around the town we headed out of Athenry with the promise that we would return to sample more of what this
beautiful little town has to offer ....we spied    
"At least"
 two more cafe 's that definitely need checking out!

This one on the corner requires a visit.

So Athenry with your beautiful medieval ruins and modern amenities you lived up to all my childhood memories......and I even picked up a few bargains in the Charity Shop.....

                                                        .. My bargain of the day..

So until next time "May your day be fruitful and blessed" with happy memories
MaryKate xxxx


Wednesday 24 September 2014

All things Autumnal or should that be Late Summer

Late summer or early autumn ~ I know I prefer to think that there is still a hint of summer about because this glorious weather is too nice to be thinking of autumn yet, despite the fact that we are coming near the end of September the days are bright and sunny and people are still walking about in shorts and t-shirts and tourists are still meandering around the town... it's still nice enough to enjoy a Mango sundae....
                                                    Mango sundae on a sunshine Monday

There is still plenty of colour about and the flowers are blooming and showing off their pretty colours
The window boxes and flower pots are not ready to say goodbye to summer yet and even though the nights are much cooler the dew is watering the flowers so no need to get the hose out.  

I think the mums are appearing a bit early but maybe they will have a second flowering again later.

The window boxes are bursting with colour

The Sunflowers are ready to open...even if it's a bit late and just look at that blue sky for late September.

So there is still evidence of a late summer but I have to admit and I do hate to admit it there is a 
definite chill in the evenings..... But even worse than that it's getting dark a lot earlier than I would like, you see I love the long summer evenings and here on the west coast of Ireland it sometimes has been bright right up to 11pm...... I love the light, always did and while I have a certain love for winter and especially the frost and snow and the foggy mornings I wish it would stay bright until about 8pm in the that would make me very happy :)


There is of course a beauty to autumn too, the beautiful leaves changing colour, the cozy fires in the evening and snuggling up with your favourite book or piece of knitting or crochet or whatever hobby you take pleasure in.  Maybe the night class in painting or creative writing, learning a new language, yes I guess I have to admit all the seasons have their own special beauty and charm.

The long shadows cast on an autumn day

  A place in the sun on an Autumn day

Yes there is a lot to be said for a nice day in Autumn when you can sit and plan your colour scheme for your next project and at the same watch the world go by outside....... 

                                 Carrying Summer into Autumn with a basket of colour

And of course the fruits of summer are harvested in Autumn so maybe saying goodbye to Summer and welcoming Autumn isn't so bad after all when you reap the rewards of those long hot summer days with a joy in your heart for the beauty of this planet we live on......the place we call HOME.

                                         Apple and Fig Chutney....... Where's the cheese :)

Until next time, enjoy the late summer or early autumn whichever you choose to call it .... It's a blessing either way xxxx

Sunday 7 September 2014

Sunday Afternoon

On a lazy September Sunday afternoon ....

I thought today I would share with you some of the girls Annuals from way back when....... Some long before "my time" even, but real treasures and if you like books then these are rare and wonderful, click  on the pictures to get the real impact of how dynamic the stories and drawings were and above all enjoy a glimpse into the past......

These ones are really old......

Just imagine 86 and 78 years ago some young girls sat reading those

My all time favourite....School Friend Annuals
School Friend Annuals 1953 - 1959

Girls Crystal Annuals

And inside a feast of adventure and fun..............

I hope you all enjoyed the little trip. Until next time....

Girls Crystal Annuals
1950, 1951 and 1952

No they weren't mine ... Let's just say a bit ahead of my reading at that time... :-) 

Oh my word...... An arrest!

Singing was encouraged....nothing like a good old singsong round the piano....

Skiing holidays to dream about....

And summer sunshine running barefoot in the sand on Paradise Island with Jill and Melanie 

~ Slán ~